1) Numbers provided are based on games played on Sunday. For Monday night and Thursday night football games please refer to day of liquidity.
2) Moneyline liquidity will roughly match totals liquidity. Liquidity will decrease as the line moves away from -100/+100
1) Numbers in table represent the amount our partners way
2) All times given are in PST.
3) We are not a sportsbook, we are a betting partner that will be risking with you and betting into our outs.
4) Stated amounts are estimates and not guaranteed turn ins
5) All amounts given are based on us not moving the market. If allowed to move the market these estimates may increase.
6) All amounts given are based on the market being stable (5-10 minutes before market moves) and the line being generally available. Generally available can be discussed further on a call or chat, but can be
taken to mean at least available at 3 major books. We are not looking to guarantee the above limits with only Pinnacle or Circa or a PPH skin individually offering the line. It will need to be available multiple
places. We can fill tighter pricing but the above estimates will not apply.
7) We work with multiple partners. If multiple partners line up on a game it will effect our liquidity and turn ins. Partners are filled on a first come first served basis.
8) We do not share our partners betting information with anyone.
9) We do not chase nor fill steam
10) We do our best to limit leaks and line movement. In the event you think we might be causing line movement please bring it to our attention so we can address it.
11) We try to be as flexible as possible to make each partnership profitable for both parties. If you have specific needs not covered in the table above let us know and we will see what we can do
Additional liquidity tables can be found below: